Saturday, March 20, 2010

HIVE Highlights

Trading cell phone intimacies with Marco Soriano as part of Theatre Replacement's S.P.A.M., and then doing my best to pimp for him afterwards in the bar and lobby area.

Absorbing from the front row the stunning video projections of Boca del Lupo's The Interview (although not always finding compelling ways to put them together with the piece's text--both live and projected).

Nodding along with Carmen Aguirre as she recited the virtues of analogue sound as part of November Theatre's Ana.

Watching Theatre SKAM's posse of recruits do silent yoga and hold a "reverse auction" (you bid each other down and they pay you) while waiting to get into The Only Animal's Sugar.

Spying on the burlesque bits of Pi Theatre's House/Home while still waiting to get into Sugar.

Finally getting into Sugar, and being wowed by the up close and personal, audio and visual, lessons in baking AND gender received therein.

Having a very pleasant lobby conversation with NeWorld Theatre's Adrienne Wong and actor Raugi Yu, who did much to assuage our resentment over the rather arbitrary and exclusive procedures used by some companies to gain entry to their shows (e.g. The Electric Company's At Home with Dick and Jane, Leaky Heaven Circus' Miss Vancouver, and NeWorld's own Frisk).

Being the beneficiaries of some strategic string-pulling by PuSh Festival angels Lindsay McMahon and Janelle Wong-Moon (thank you, girls!), who managed to get us on the last patient intake for Radix Theatre's Fever, a stunning show about mortality, community, and the ethics of care that was the perfect way to conclude the evening.

Doing this all with my good friend Joanna (who--hooray, hooray!--will defend her PhD thesis next month). Because you can't Hive alone.


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